Adolescence - A Time of Transition.

Transitioning into young adults, adolescence is a significant time of discovery. Their world starts to expand and life offers more opportunities. Trust me, teens will challenge boundaries, have a tendency to act on impulse and display irrational behaviour. And really, it’s not their fault. The amygdala part of the brain which drives the primal fight or flight response, throws all logic out the window. They’re more likely to explore and experiment with alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, sex and undertake other risky acts without considering the consequences of their actions. Parents may be pushed aside as peers hold more influence. But don’t give up hope! Teens are simply navigating through the crazy maze of external influences in an attempt to find their own unique style, path and purpose in life.
Slamming doors, overwhelm, anxiety, the fear of being different or a failure, and being secretive are some of the challenges I witnessed teens deal with during this phase in their life.
Children need to know adults are there for them with love, support, stability, understanding and healthy boundaries. And breathe, this stage would pass. Eventually!
Zig Ziglar, “Kids go where there is excitement. They stay where there is love.”

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