
"Love you, Love me”

An entertaining read and well written. Navigating life as a teenager can be very challenging and Claire beautifully addresses some of the ups n downs young people can experience in this story about a group of friends finding their way and making sense of life.

The various storylines intertwine and you become drawn into each of the characters lives and how they manage the stresses of what they are going through as they are trying to live a relatively “normal” teenage life.

Claire cleverly weaves the subtle but powerful theme around mental health into the story line. This book subtly educates the audience that it’s OK to share your feelings and talk about things to others when you don’t feel right. It highlights the importance of recognising symptoms of mental health issues and reaching out before they develop into something more, and doing this from a younger age.

The world is ready for books like these. If I had read this when I was a teenager, it would have made my life a lot easier. Teenage years can be a very fragile period in your life and "Love you, Love me” highlights that you aren’t alone with the way you feel - it is more “normal” than you think. Others are most likely experiencing similar feelings to what you are feeling as well.

Claire challenges and invites the reader to reflect on their own experience and opens the possibility of creating positive change by talking about their feelings more openly.

A great read. Well done, Claire.

Sally Estlin
Holistically Fit Specialist

"I wish my daughters had access to 'Love you, Love me'
during their teen years.
Claire is able to capture emotion, feeling
and the essence of adolescence, whilst at the same time addressing mental health issues and experiences that many young people find themselves in.

An excellent reference for teens and parents."

Ian McAllister
Internationally published author
of nationally recognised qualifications in health, nutrition and diabetes. (Australia, UK and Ireland)

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